Monday, May 11, 2009

I am very excited about the prospects for Partique, the marketing company that Jill and I have started.  I must admit, I couldn't commit myself sufficiently until the site was officially up and functioning, and then I felt a proprietary interest.  Now, I am pathologically gung-ho.  

Just wrote an e-mail to Michael Pollan, the food writer whose seven word motto goes: Eat fresh food, mostly fruits and vegetables.  He is a believer in local harvest eating, which makes sense to me.   Yesterday, I ate a local harvest salad at a restaurant in Stamford on the water, and I enjoyed it a lot.  I wonder how much of that is psychological and how much of it is actual, but does it really matter one way or another?  Don't think so.

I am surprised at how compelling I find the concept of marketing altogether.  The intellectual rigor of the field is far more elaborate than I ever might have suspected, but what I don't know would fill far more volumes than what I do.  That is probably true of all of us.