Monday, April 14, 2008

War...Uh-huh...What is it Good For?

The single biggest issue in the news over the past year has got to be the war in Iraq. Initially, I wasn't so much as opposed to the US going to war as I was disbelieving. How could we? I just didn't get it. How did the Bush Administration hoodwink the public to the point of getting decent human beings to put pro-War bumper stickers on their cars and lend their son's and daughter's lives? I have to say, there was not a single moment when I didn't think the Bush-Cheney crew was up to their self-interested worst. Then when the Valerie Plame (sic) intelligence outing scandal hit the papers, I knew they knew they were up to no good.

What I underestimated was the ability of this administration to spin to the red states. Somehow, some way, they were able wrap up this oil-grab of a war with the same gift wrapping in which the American flag, patriotism, gun rights, anti-abortion, pro-Big business glitter and shine. They lumped it all together, made Good Ol' American conservative pie, and shoved it down the public's throat. I figured they were simply running a Haliburton," nation-building" scam, standard operating procedure for the CIA, but it was far more elaborate than that. When I look at all of that combined with the Enron fiasco, the abandonment of searching for Osama bin Laden, the doubling of oil prices, the War on Terrorism in Iraq and not Afghanistan, the suppression of renewable energy sources and implementation, the promoting of coal as salvation for our energy crisis...I have to come to a single conclusion. Those paranoid folks, the ones that scream the government is plotting against us, they have a very severe vocabulary problem. Sharpe James getting convicted for setting up sweetheart deals with buddies in the city of Newark, New Jersey-- that's graft. The international level of orchestration of greed, graft, conspiracy, manipulation, intimidation and violation of standard US tenets of law... that is not graft. It is genius, but not graft. I don't know exactly what that word is-- conspiracy, corruption, those don't even approach what is being done to us. All of which leads me to think, Bush did not do it. He hasn't the capability. Probably no one man or woman does. So, that" vast right-wing conspiracy" is probably the only phrase that even hints at what is going on, and, I will tell you this much, the world was better off when the "vast right-wing conspiracy" could concentrate on Bill Clinton's crotch. Because without that target, they have carried out the most egregious pilfering of America in our 200+ year history. The cynic in me wants to snidely congratulate them on a brilliant piece off deception. But the political human left inside that cynic's shell shudders in fear at our country's economic future and weeps at the needlessly lost lives of young lives. The Bush administration's greatest gift has always been their ability to make us underestimate the damage of which they were capable.


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